TM 5-6675-318-14
1-16.13 Repair Van Body Skin (Temporary).
52C, Utilities Equipment Repairer
Ball Peen Hammer
Scissors or Utility
C l o t h Duct Sealing Tape (Item 23, Appendix E)
S i l i c o n e Sealant (Item 18, Appendix E)
S p r a y f o a m Sealant (Item 22, Appendix E)
C h e e s e c l o t h , (Item 5, Appendix E)
Bend broken edges of punctured skin inward into puncture hole. Do not
attempt to remove fragments of skin by bending or pulling outward.
B e n d skin inward only enough to put broken edges below surface of
unbroken skin.
Remove any loose fragments of foam which are not now held in place by
Removing small p i e c e s o f f o a m o r d u s t i s m o r e -
bent broken skin.
important than removing chunks.
U s i n g c l o t h s l i g h t l y d a m p e n e d w i th water, wipe area around puncture to
r e m o v e any dirt or mud and wipe d r y .
I n j e c t s p r a y f o a m i n t o p u n c t u r e . M o u n d sprayfoam to about 1/8 in.
(3.2 mm)" above surface-of unbroken skin.' Apply bead of sealant about
1/4 in. (6.4 mm) wide over all cuts in skin leading out from puncture.
D o not smooth out sealant.
Plan how puncture is to be covered with tape before applying any tape.
L e n g t h and width of tape, number of tape strips, overlapping, and how
tape is applied will affect sealing capability of repair. Each piece
of tape should extend about 1-1/2 in. (3.81 cm) beyond sealant it will
If this will require more than one strip of tape, tape should
If three or more strips of tape are
o v e r l a p about 1/2 in. (12.7 mm).
required, center strip should be applied first.