TM 5-6675-316-14
(6) Remove any previous programs or data from teletype and paper punch.
(7) Turn punch off.
(8) If a paper tape is to be punched, proceed as follows:
(a) Press paper tape ON key.
(b) Press HERE IS key several times until leader holes can be seen on tape.
(9) Mount dotting microscope or digitizing lens (table 3-4, item 5 or table 3-5, item 4).
(10) Adjust for marking/viewing.
Be sure that measuring system, preset values and indicated scale on document
being digitized agree.
(11) Set XY display for operation (paragraph 3-6-3b).
(11.1) Install fine adjustment devices.
(12) Turn teletype power switch to LINE.
(13) Locate origin point in lower left of drawing as reference point.
(14) Press X to store coordinates.
If origin cannot be set to 0, enter appropriate coordinates.
(15) Digitize all lines, arcs, and circles of figure. See example below:
When digitizing, try to input coordinates and commands so that, when machine
drafts digitized figure, it will draw figure in one continuous motion.
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