TM 5-6675-302-14&P
2-7. General This section describes, locates, il-
2-8. Controls and Instruments. Refer to figure
lustrates, and furnishes sufficient information
2-11 for the purpose and location of control and in-
about the controls used to operate the target set.
struments for model 242406, or figure 2-12 for
model USATS-79.
2-9. General.
a. The instructions in this section are published
for the information and guidance of the personnel
responsible for the operation of the surveying
target set.
b. The operator must know how to perform
every operation of which the target set is capable.
This section contains instructions on centering the
optical plummet, centering below apex mark,
checking the optical plummet and checking the
target. Since nearly every job presents a different
problem, the operator may have to vary given pro-
cedures to fit the individual job.
2-10. Target Set Operation.
a. Setting Up Tripod. For angular meas-
urements, the instruments must be set up over a
station of the terrain which has been determined
previously. The bayonet socket of the plumb line is
plugged into the bridge screw from below and
secured by a quarter turn to the right. The tripod is
then set up so that the plumb bob, which hangs
from the middle of the central opening, points to
the station point from within 1/2 inch, and the
tripods plate is approximately horizontal. To
achieve this, the leg, whose turning axis at the
tripod plate is inclined most, must be displaced
laterally. Any other method will affect the center-
ing. The leg points are set firmly into the soil, with
care being taken to maintain the centering within
1/2 to 1 inch. Now the plumb bob maybe removed
if the final centering is to be done op-
tically. Otherwise, in calm weather the plumb bob
may be used on its own.
b. Securing Base Plate of Tribrach. The tri-
brach itself consists of a star-shaped base plate,
where the three leveling screws (fig. 2-11 or 2-12)
are kept fast by a rotatable spring plate. The spr-
ing plate is normally held in position from below
by means of a lock screw. Withdrawing this screw
allows the spring plate to be rotated a few degrees.
The base plate is thus released and can be
separated from the tribrach. For normal use, the
spring plate should always be secured to prevent
the tribrach from falling out.
c. Fixing and Leveling the Tribrach. The tri-
brach is fixed to the tripod with the bridge screw.
The circular level bubble is centered by turning
the leveling screws.
d. Fixing the Target. Turn the tribrach locking
lever (fig. 2-11 for model 242406, or fig. 2-12 for
model USATS-79) towards the right. Insert the
feet of the target into the corresponding holes of
the tribrach and turn lever firmly towards the left
until it snaps over the clutch and holds the target
2-11. Centering with Optical Plummet.
a. The eyepiece of the optical plummet (fig. 2-11)
must be turned until its plumbing mark appears in
focus. At the same time the station mark on the
ground will be seen, over which the instrument
must be centered for night or dark-day operation
(para 2-4).
b. Loosen the bridge screw of the tripod slightly
to allow the tribrach to be shifted until the ground
mark appears in the center of the plumbing mark.
c. During the shifting, the bubble in the circular
level must be maintained exactly in the center.
d. Tighten the bridge screw.
e. Center the target level. Turn the target
through 90° and center the level bubble with the
third leveling screw. Repeat this procedure until
the bubble remains central throughout a 360° rota-
tion of the target. The bubble should now be
centered in any position. If not, adjust the circular
2-12. Centering Below Apex Mark. In galleries,
the station points are often marked by hooks
cemented in the roof, In this case, fix a plumb line
on the hook, so that the point of the plumb will be
just at the height of the upper center mark of the
target. Shift the target on the tripod until its mark
is vertically below the plumb point when the bub-
ble of the circular level is centered, then level the
target with reference to the target level.