34. General
When capture or abandonment of the sur-
veying target light to an enemy is imminent,
the responsible unit commander must make the
decision either to destroy the equipment or
render it inoperative. Based on this decision,
orders are issued which cover the desired ex-
tent of destruction. Whatever method of dem-
olition is employed, it is essential to destroy
the same vital parts of all surveying target
lights and all corresponding repair parts.
35. Demolition to Render the
Equipment Inoperative
Use hammers, sledge hammers, crowbars,
picks, axes, or any other tools which may be
available to destroy the surveying target light.
36. Other Demolition Methods
a. Burning. Rack rags, clothing, or canvas
under and around the surveying target light.
Saturate this packing with gasoline, oil, or
diesel fuel and ignite.
b. Submersion. Totally submerge the survey-
ing target light in a body of water to provide
water damage and concealment. Salt water will
do greater damage to metal parts than fresh
37. Training
All operators should receive thorough train-
ing in the destruction of the surveying target
light. (Refer to FM 525. ) Simulated destruc-
tion using all of the methods listed above
should be included in the operator training
program. It must be emphasized in training
that demolition operations are usually neces-
sitated by critical situations, when. time avail-
able for carrying out destruction is limited.
For this reason, it is necessary that operators
be thoroughly familiar with all methods of de-
struction and be able to carry out demolition
instructions without reference to this or any
other manual.
AGO 10117A