ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
6-1. General. This section describes the function of the
PADS test set. An overall general block diagram de-
scription is given, then detail descriptions are given for
each functional section. A block diagram and functional
block diagrams are included where necessary to support
the text.
6-2. PADS Test Set Function. The PADS test set is
capable of automatically testing the PADS computer
input/output signals. A block diagram of the PADS test
set is shown in figure FO-1. Communication with the
computer is via the serial data bus, IMU simulation,
CDU simulation, and direct memory access/CPU bus.
The buffer unit is required between the SPU and com-
puter for conditioning of the direct memory access and
teletypewriter communication signals. The computer
serial data bus has control over the SPU serial data bus
control logic for decoding computer signals at the
proper times. The serial data bus control logic has
control over all loop closer circuits (except
This activates these circuits for a transmit or receive
mode of operation. When the serial data bus loop
closer has been activated, it receives an address word
from the computer. The address is decoded and trans-
mitted back to the computer as an inverted address
word. IMU simulation signals representing gyro torqu-
ing are sent from the computer to the loop
closer. These signals are converted to velocity signals
and sent back to the computer. The clock generator in
the loop closer provides synchronization within
this section. The clock generator also supplies a clock
pulse to the computer to synchronize various functions.
The loop closer runs continuously in response
to computer signals from the IMU simulation bus, and
is not under serial data bus control. The computer sends
a digital word to the digital/DC loop closer for conver-
sion to an analog signal. This analog signal is routed
back to the computer for a comparison check to ensure
that the computer is functioning correctly in this area.
An angle data word from the computer is sent to the
digital/resolver and digital/synchro loop closer for
conversion to a resolver or synchro signal. The con-
verted signal is routed back to the computer where it is
reconverted to digital and compared to the angle that
was sent, The computer discrete loop closer is used to
close the discrete line loop between the SPU and
computer. This allows the computer to test the IMU
discrete signals.
a. The SPU can be used with or without a CDU
connected to the computer. For the SPU to perform the
CDU functions, a fail discrete status and on/off-enter
logic has been incorporated in the SPU. This logic
circuit provides on/off, enter, and fail status for the
computer in the absence of a CDU.
b. The SPU supplies all power and control func-
tions to the tape reader. The tape reader is utilized for
computer memory fill and verify. The memory fill and
verify function processes data from the tape reader tape
that is to be loaded into the computer memory via the
direct memory access bus. The data is then verified to
ensure that it was loaded into memory correctly. During
self-test, the tape reader provides data from a self-test
tape to exercise the various functions within the SPU.
c. The teletypewriter communicates with the com-
puter via the SPU teletypewriter control circuitry and
computer data bus. The teletypewriter control circuitry
converts teletypewriter serial data to parallel data for
transmission to the computer. Computer parallel data
sent to the teletypewriter is converted to serial data by
the teletypewriter control circuitry.
d. Provided within the SPU is a built-in test equip-
ment (BITE) circuit permitting a self-test to be per-
formed. When self-test is activated, the various func-
tional sections in the SPU are exercised by data from a
self-test tape.
e. Power supplies in the SPU generate +5, + 15,
+28, and -15V. All these voltages are used in the SPU,
+ 28V is used in the tape reader, and + 5V is used in
the buffer unit during self-test.
6-3. Signal Processor Unit Function. The SPU contains
the following functional circuits: serial data bus control
logic, serial data bus loop closer, loop closer,
digital/dc loop closer, digital/resolver and digital/
synchro loop closer, computer discrete loop closer, fail
discrete status and on/off-enter logic, tape reader con-
trol logic, memory load and verify logic, teletypewriter
control logic, built-in test, and power supplies. The
following paragraphs briefly describe each function.
a. Serial Data Bus Control Logic. The serial data
bus control logic is functionally illustrated in figure FO-
2 and is contained on logic no. 3 electronic component