TM 5-3610-285-14
Standard masking materials should always be used in making the flat. These materials will prevent the
exposing light going through to the film being contacted. In the stripping procedure on the light table
however, film can be read through the masking sheet. The film contained in the flat should be free of
pinholes, dust, dirt, and tape adhesive residue.
Since the film being contacted must pick up fine detail such as fine halftone dots, the film will also
reproduce pinholes, opaquing, and dust specks on the image area. Pinholes should be covered with
opaquing solutions prepared for this purpose. Film should be cleaned with film cleaner or an anti-static
Poor contact with film will result if excess tape is used, or if pieces of film are overlapped. Opaquing
solutions for covering pin holes should be properly thinned. A solution that is too thick may prevent
perfect contact.
Handle flats carefully to avoid kinks and creases that will result in poor contact points. Lift flats by
opposite corners to help prevent kinking and scratching.
Avoid fingerprints on film.
Handle film only under lights recommended by the manufacturer.
Set up the area in a darkroom environment.
Place a sheet of unexposed contact or duplicating film on the vacuum blanket, emulsion side up.