TM 5-3610-257-14
Convert WET and DRY bulb thermometer readings to relative humidity (Table 1-2).
Air Temperature (DRY Bulb): 68°F
WET Bulb: 620F
Depression + DRY Bulb (t) - WET Bulb (tl) + 680F - 620F = 6°F
Depression = 6°F
Use column on left to find air temperature of 680F Use top row to find depression of 60F The intersection of both
columns gives the percent of relative humidity, in this case 71%
Adjust air conditioning controls to reach proper temperature and relative humidity.
Darkroom photographic safelight.
Insert filter by lowering filter holder.
Lay filter inside so that filter identification can be read from outside.
Raise filter holder.
Position darkroom photographic safelight so that it provides desired illumination. For direct illumination,
darkroom safelight should face work area. For indirect illumination, it should face wall.
Remove utility pump and carry it outside.