TM 5-3610-257-14
Set left DENSITY dial to 1.0.
Set right DENSITY dial to .00.
Red lamp above MAIN selector button will light when button is pressed.
Press MAIN selector button.
Set MAIN UNITS dials to 100.
Pressing of START switch and starting stop watch must occur at same time.
Each color of phototube is calibrated individually. Pushing of color buttons on control switch
enables same color of phototube.
On control switch, select color (3-6.3a).
Press START switch and start stop watch.
Note how long lights are on. If time is longer than 10 seconds (or desired time), slide wedge to place the
word GAM closer to top of diffuser. If time is less than 10 seconds (or desired time), slide wedge to place the word GAM
further from top of diffuser.
It may be necessary to change wedges to bring exposure time within desired range.