ARMY TM 9-6675-349-12&P
1-1. Scope.
This manual contains information and guidance for the operation and maintenance of the Improved Position and
Azimuth Determining System (IPADS).
Type of Material.
This manual provides operating instructions and operator and unit maintenance instructions. The
Maintenance Allocation Chart in Appendix D assigns maintenance on each part and assembly.
Maintenance that cannot be performed because of the need for tools, equipment, or supplies will be referred
to a higher maintenance category.
Purpose of Equipment.
The IPADS is a highly mobile, self-contained survey instrument that supports field artillery operations.
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records.
Department of the Army forms and procedures used for equipment maintenance will be those prescribed by
DA PAM 738-750, The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). Marine Corps users shall refer to
TM 4700-15/1.
This equipment is not covered by Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC).
1-3. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy Use.
Army and Marine Corps users, refer to Army TM 750-244-2 for procedures for destruction of this equipment to
prevent enemy use.
1-4. Administrative Storage.
Refer to TM 740-90-1 for procedures, forms and records, and inspections required during administrative storage
of this equipment. Marine Corps users shall refer to MCO 4450.7.
1-6. Reporting Equipment Improvement Recommendations (EIR).
EIRs can and must be submitted by anyone who is aware of an unsatisfactory condition with the equipment
design or use. It is not necessary to show a new design or list a better way to perform a procedure, just tell why
the design is unfavorable or why a procedure is difficult. EIRs may be submitted on SF (Standard Form) 368
(Product Quality Deficiency Report). Mail directly to:
Armament Research, Development & Engineering Center
Rock Island, IL 61299-7300
Marine Corps users may submit EIRs and Quality Deficiency Reports in accordance with MCO 4855.10B.
Mail directly to:
Commanding General
Marine Corps Logistics Command (code 808)
Albany, GA 31704-5000
A reply will be sent directly to you.