TM 5-6675-322-14
1-16.10 Replace Exhaust Fan Cover.
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
41B, Topographic Instrument Repair Specialist
T O O L S : D r i l l a n d B i ts
Pop Rivet Gun
Pop Rivets
Exhaust Fan Cover
S o l v e n t P - D - 6 8 0 ( I t e m 1 9 , A p p e n d i x
Adhesive (Item 2, Appendix E
Cheesecloth (Item 5, Appendix E)
Impermeable Gloves
hinged cover to remove vent cover.
cover and transfer mounting hardware to new cover.
D r i l l p o p r i v e t s f r om
b. Remove defective vent
Dry cleaning solvent,
P-D-680, used to clean parts is potentially dan -
gerous to personnel and property.
Avoid repeated and prolonged skin
c o n t a c t.
Wear solvent-impermeable gloves and eye/face protective
equipment when using solvent.
Do not use near open flame or excessive
F l a s h p o i n t o f s o l v e n t i s 1 0 0 ° F t o 1 3 8 ° F ( 3 8 ° C t o 5 9 ° C ) .
Scrape gasket off section and clean area with solvent P-D-680.
d. Secure new gasket to section with adhesive .
Aline exhaust fan vent cover and pop rivet to hinge.
f . T e s t c o v e r f o r t i g h t n e s s o f c l o s u r e.
o r