TM 5-6675-321-14
If larger thickness of wax coating is desired, insert larger gage.
Insert two 0.006 in. (0.150 mm) thickness gages between coating roller
and doctor bar, approximately same distance apart as knurled adjusting
Slowly turn two knurled screws alternately until two thickness gages are
p r e s s e d f i r m l y a g a i n s t c o a t i n g r o l l e r .
Adjust doctor bar so that thickness gages are just snug against doctor
b a r a n d c o o l i n g r o l l e r.
f. Pull thickness gages from between coating roller and doctor bar.
Tighten doctor bar holding screws.
Insert a thickness gage between coating roller and doctor bar.
i .
Move thickness gage across entire length of doctor bar to be sure gap is
uniform and correct.
j .
Reinstall top deck cover and top roller cover.
4 - 1 0 . 2 A d j u s t R o l l e r G a p.
81C, Cartographer
Thickness Gage 0.040 in.
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Rubber Hand Scraper
Serious injury may result if internal components are touched when heat is
Remove heat source and allow to cool, or wear protective clothing
b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g .
Remove top roller cover and top deck cover.
b . C h e c k t h a t t o p p r e s s u r e r o l l e r i s c l e a n .
Lift top pressure roller from wax machine.
d. Scrape dry wax from top of roller.