TM 5-6675-320-14
Table 4-25, HP-IB TESTS
Complete program referred to as Supervisor Program.
T e st
Control Byte
Data Transfer
Pass Control
External Address
Service Request
I n t e r r u p t
P a r a l l e l P o ll
Sends four bytes: error byte, address byte, control
byte, and status byte .
Checks to be sure that all control lines can be set and
cleared independently using R7 out.
Ensures IFC works correctly.
Makes sure IUT* can address itself to talk and listen .
Ensures that handshake lines** operate correctly and
IUT can act as talker and listener.
Ensures that all DIO lines operate correctly and inde-
Ensures IUT* can pass control to another device.
Ensures that IUT can be addressed to be both active
t a l k e r a n d a c t i v e l i s t e n e r b y a n o t h e r c o n t r o l l e r.
Ensures that IUT can request service and can respond
c o r r e c t l y t o s e r i a l p o l l.
Ensures IUT can accept interrupt enable, and mask and
i s s u e i n t e r r u p t a t a p p r o p r i a t e t i m e.
Makes sure IUT can issue parallel poll to other devices
and respond to parallel poll request.
* IUT -
Interface Unit Tested (refers to HP-IB Interface)
** DAV, NRFD, and NDAC are handshake lines.