TM 5-6675-320-14
String advanced ROM and extended I/O ROM are permanently installed on the
HP9825B. Before plotter can be programmed to operate, programming
language of computer must be thoroughly understood.
(3) Check to see that all switches on plotter rear panel are set correctly
and select code switch on interface.
(4) Load paper and pens to be used.
(5) Determine what plotter is to draw.
Construct program to accomplish
this, using language of computer and plotter programming language statements listed
in Table 4-20.
If plot program is on prerecorded tape, load tape in computer and
press RUN.
(6) Except when digitizing, program should contain a statement or statements
that accomplish the following:
( a ) C l e a r p l o t t e r .
(b) Set decimal place format for any numbers (floating fixed to
t w o s i g n i f i c a n t d i g i t s , e t c . ).
( c ) E s t a b l i s h c h a r a c t e r t y p e ( s e t ) f o r a n y l e t t e r i n g.
(d) Set scale to which plot will be drawn.
(e) Select proper color pen.
( f ) T e l l w h a t t y p e o r t y p e s o f l i n e s w i l l b e u s e d f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n.
(g) Draw and label X- and Y-axes, if applicable .