TM 5-6675-320-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
wrt - Cont
wrt 705, SAM
Set alternate command selects normal alternate set as
character set to be used for all labeling statements ( l b l,
ptyp, xax, and y a x ) .
This command should be executed prior to
executing labeling statement whenever alternate character set
is to be used.
wrt 705,
UC, Pen Control Parameter,
X-Increment, Y-Increment, Pen Control
Parameter, X-Increment, Y-Increment, . . .
User-defined character command is used to draw characters of
your own design.
Each segment of character is drawn according
to three parameter values as follows:
Pen Control Parameter +99 = Pen Down
Pen Control Parameter -99 = Pen Up
X-Increment specifies number of character grid units that pen
w i l l m o v e h o r i z o n t a l l y .
Positive value moves pen to right and
negative value moves it to left. Increment value can range
from -98 thru +98 grid units.
Y-Increment specifies number of character grid units that pen
w i l l m o v e v e r t i c a l l y.
Positive value moves pen up and
negative value moves it down.
Increment value can range from
-98 thru +98 grid units.
Character grid units are scaled by current size statement as
shown on the following page.
Each character block contains 6
h o r i z o n t a l g r i d u n i t s a n d 1 6 v e r t i c a l g r i d u n i t s .
Each character starts from character block origin point. When
character is completed,
L FN is sent automatically by WRITE
statement at end of string of characters, returns pen to next
c h a r a c t e r b l o c k o r i g i n ( s i x g r i d u n i t s f r o m i n i t i a l s t a r t i ng
p o i n t ) .
This may not be a valid starting point if new charac-
ter was larger than normal character. A p l t , i p l ot
or cplot statement may be needed to properly posi-
t i o n p e n f o r n e x t c h a r a c t e r , i f a n y , t o b e l e t t e r e d.