TM 5-6675-320-14
( f ) T e l l w h a t t y p e o r t y p e s o f l i n e s w i l l b e u s e d f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n.
(g) Draw and label X- and Y-axes, if applicable.
(h) Describe plot itself and where it is to be drawn.
(i) Tell what and where to label and what label is to say (including
( J ) G i v e a n y s p e c i a l d i r e c t i o n s , i f n e e d e d .
(k) Instructions to change any of the above statements, if desired,
and loop back to some point in program or continue.
(l) Statement to end program.
Plotter can be cleared by inserting a pclr or w r t 7 0 5 I N
command in program.
Character set is controlled using 1b1, csiz, and wrt 705 CS,
CA, "SS", "SA", "SL", "SM", or "UC" statements.
Scale and plotting area are set using S Cl and line statements.
Pen color is selected with "pen #" s t a t e m e n t.
Line type, such as solid, dash, etc., is set with a line statement.
X- and Y-axes are drawn, tied and labeled using xax, yax, and w r t
705 TL s t a t e m e n t s.
P l o t o n d r a w i n g i s d e f i n e d u s i n g plt, ofs, Iplit, a n d c p l t
Labeling is accomplished through wrt 705 SM, csiz, ptyp, a n d
IbI s t a t e m e n t s.
Special instructions normally involve directions to pen, such as to raise
its point on paper.
Special instructions involve pen and w r t 7 0 5,
AP, PD, VS, "VA", or "VN" c o m m a n d s.
Changes can be made to above statements in program by repeating statement
with new parameters.
Program continuation or looping is performed using
statements from programming language of controller.