TM 5-6675-320-14
b. Unlock and open door to be replaced.
c .
d .
f .
g .
h .
i .
j .
k .
Place sling around door and put a slight strain on hoist to remove
weight from hinges.
Remove bolts from hinges on rear personnel door. On side personnel
door, drill out pop rivets from hinge. Remove hinges from door .
Remove damaged door using hoist.
Install new door using hoist.
R e i n s t a l l h i n g e s o n r e a r p e r s o n n e l d o o r . S e c u r e w i t h b o l t s . R e i n s t a ll
hinges on side personnel door. Secure with pop rivets .
Remove sling from door.
Install new gaskets on door after it is mounted (paragraph 1-20.3).
Repaint as needed.
Close and lock door.