TM 5-6675-319-14
High voltages
bolts, washers, and defective
relay assembly.
that are capable of causing death may be stored in capacitor
after power is removed.
Be sure capacitor is discharged and reduced to zero
v o l t s .
f. Note position and desolder two capacitors from defective relay.
g .
Replace defective relay.
h . S o l d e r c a p a c i t o r s t o n e w r e l a y.
i .
Install relay assembly and secure with bolts and washers.
j .
Resolder wires to relay.
k . R e i n s t a l l c o v e r a n d t i g h t e n s c r e w s.
l .
Turn on circuit breaker.
Turn on MASTER POWER switch.
9-16.2 Replace Print Counter CTR301.
83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Wire Cutters
Print Counter
Cotter Pin
Wire Ties
Death or serious injury may occur from electrical shock unless power is
t u r n e d o f f b e f o r e s e r v i c i n g.
Never have printer hood down with power on and normal room lights on.
This condition will damage PMT.
Turn off MASTER POWER switch.
b . T u r n o f f c i r c u i t b r e a k e r.
c .
Loosen screws holding cover and remove RPT cover.