9-6. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS. The printer can be operated in either of
two modes:
the contact mode or the enlargement mode. Separate instructions are
provided for each mode in the following paragraphs, followed by a paragraph on the
techniques used in masking and overscan,
focusing, and variable dodging.
a. Lens changing.
The printer comes supplied with two different lenses.
T h e 1 1 2 m m l e n s i s c a l l e d t h e c o n t a c t l e n s a n d i s u s e d i n t h e c o n t a c t m o d e . T h e 1 3 8
mm lens is called the enlargement lens and is used in the enlargement mode. The
following procedure is used to change the lens:
The contact printer is shipped from the manufacturer with 112 mm lens
in the lens box. The enlargement lens (138 mm) will be securely mounted
in the lower right corner of the cabinet.
Always be sure lens caps are on lenses when equipment is not in operation
or lenses are not being used.
( 1 ) I n s t a l l l e n s c a p o n l e n s i n s t a l l e d i n l e n s b o x.
(2) Remove knurled screws on lens assembly installed in lens box and remove
l e n s.
(3) Remove knurled screws on lens mounted in cabinet. Remove lens and
install in lens box, securing with knurled screws.
If lens is to be used,
remove lens cap.
It may be necessary to rotate lens completely to secure flush with cab-
inet base.
(4) Install changed lens in lower right corner and secure with knurled
screws. Be sure lens cap is installed .
b. Contact mode.
This operating procedure contains the procedural steps
for setting up and operating the printer, using cut or roll negatives and cut-sheet
or roll-paper printing material in the contact mode.
This procedure also describes
t h e m u l t i p l e - p r i n t f e a t u r e u s i n g r o l l p a p e r.
(1) Turn off LIFTER POWER switch.
(2) Turn off TRANSPORT POWER switch.
(3) Check optical and light system cleanliness (Table 9-1).
(4) Check platen airbag pressure (Table 9 - 1).
TM 5-6675-319-14