TM 5-6675-319-14
Remove lamphouse cover from rear of rectifier by rotating four cover
clamps so that flat edges are next to cover edge.
Remove screws, washers, and blower hose adapter.
One light grid screw also connects grounding strap.
Remove light grid securing screws.
x .
Slide assembly over sloping rim and, at same time, allow it to rotate
s l i g h t l y . F l e x i b l e t e r m i n a l s w i l l s l i d e o u t o f t u b u l a r r e c e p t a c l es
of terminal box.
Use care not to break light grid.
Broken glass can cause additional
equipment damage.
y .
Lay lamp on flat surface.
U s e d r y , l i n t - f r e e c l o t h t o c l e a n i n t e r i o r o f l a m p h o u s e .
Slide replacement light grid assembly over sloping rim. At same time,
r o t a t e i t s l i g h t l y t o a l l o w f l e x i b l e t e r m i n a l s t o s i t i n t u b u l a r
receptacles of terminal box .
Reinstall light grid screws. Reconnect grounding strap.
Reinstall blower hose adapter .
Reinstall cover and check that flat edges of clamp are next to cover.
Reconnect lamphouse ground strap.
a f .
Raise lamphouse and hold it in place while inserting Y-slide shaft
through bushing supports.
For proper reassembly, install bracket caps to original locations.
Reinstall capscrews and lockwashers to the two Y-slide brackets at
the right side of the lamphouse.
Check that shaft is flush with cap
b r a c k e t s.