TM 5-6675-319-14
Dryer fan .
A centrifugal fan draws air past heater element and pumps it
through a plenum to air tubes and air nozzle.
b . H e a t e r .
Consists of an electric heating element which heats air entering
d r y e r f a n.
Warm air dries paper passing through drying system.
c . A i r t u b e s a n d n o z z l e.
Directs heated air from dryer fan onto surface of
paper as it passes through dryer rollers.
This air blast dries remaining wash water
from the paper.
2 - 3 . 4 E l e c t r i c a l S y s t e m .
Provides power for processor controls, indicators,
drive motor, dryer fan, dryer heater, pumps, and gage illumination. It is composed
o f t h e f o l l o w i n g e l e c t r i c a l s y s t e m s:
a . T r a n s p o r t d r i v e c i r c u i t .
Controls on/off operation and speed of transport
drive motor .
A switch controls on/off operation of the motor while a variable-speed
knob controls its speed.
A speed indicator dial indicates speed of transport mecha-
nism in inches per minute.
b . D e v e l o p e r h e a t e r c i r c u i t .
Consists of a developer thermostat which controls
operation of developer heater and maintains a preset temperature which is monitored
by developer thermometer.
Developer heater circuit is activated when pump switch is
c . D r y e r c i r c u i t .
Controlled by a switch which activates centrifugal dryer fan.
The switch also activates dryer heater element.
Dryer heater element temperature
is controlled by dryer thermostat and monitored by dryer thermometer.
d . D e v e l o p e r a n d f i x e r r e c i r c u l a t i o n p u m p c i r c u i t . P r o v i d e s p o w e r t o d e v e l o p er
and fixer recirculation pump.
The developer and fixer recirculation pump circuit is
activated by the PUMP switch.
e. Developer and fixer replenisher pump circuit. Provides power to the
developer and fixer replenisher pump.
The circuit is activated by placing the PUMP
switch to on and activating detector switches in paper detector crossover. Developer
and fixer replenisher pumps will deactivate after paper has entered processor.
f . T i m e r b e l l c i r c u i t .
It is activated by PUMP switch. The circuit senses when
paper has passed through the detector switches and signals a bell after a predeter-
mined time interval to indicate when more paper may be fed into processor.
g . G a g e i l l u m i n a t i o n c i r c u i t .
Provides indirect lighting for the gages and
flowmeter and is controlled by the instrument light switch.
h . W a s h w a t e r r e c i r c u l a t i o n p u m p c i r c u i t.
T h e c i r c u i t i s a c t i v a t e d b y t he
RECYCLING PUMP switch, located external to the processor, which provides power for
an external wash water recirculation pump.
2-3.5 Recycling Tank System.
Recycles and filters wash water from processor.
It consists of the following components: