2-2.3 Equipment Data.
Weight, Dry
Weight, Wet
E l e c t r i c a l
Recycling Tank Capacity
Developer Storage Tank Capacity
Fixer Storage Tank Capacity
Recycling Pump Capacity
Eastman Kodak Company
317 C-N
425 lbs (192.8 kg)
525 lbs (238 kg)
42.5 in. (108 cm)
30 in. (76.2 cm)
27.5 in. (69.8 cm) With -
out receiving bin or feed
t r a y
115 V, 60 Hz, three
w i r e , s i n g l e - p h a se
50 gal. (189.27 L)
5 gal. (18.93 L)
5 gal. (18.93 L)
12.5 gpm (47.32 Lpm)
2-3. TECHNICAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION. The purpose of the paper processor
system is to process paper prints.
It is composed of the following:
Film Transport System
Processing Fluid System
Drying System
E l e c t r i c a l S y s t e m
Recycling Tank System
Storage Tank System
Developer Chiller System
2-3.1 Film/Paper Transport System.
Transports the paper through the various pro-
cessing systems of the unit.
It is composed of the following assemblies:
TM 5-6675-319-14