1-20.7 Repair Van Body Skin (Permanent).
MOS: 63W, Wheel Vehicle Repairer
Pop Rivet Gun
E l e c t r i c D r i l l a n d B i ts
Paint Brush
Pop Rivets
Sprayfoam (Item 34, Appendix E)
Silicone Sealant (Item 29, Appendix E)
Sheet Metal
Paint (Items 22, 22A and 22B Appendix E)
Cheesecloth (Item 7, Appendix E)
a .
Bend broken edges of skin inward into puncture hole. Do not attempt to
remove fragments of skin by bending or pulling out.
b. Remove any loose fragments of foam.
c .
Use cloth dampened with water to clean area around puncture. Wipe dry.
I n j e c t s p r a y f o a m i n t o p u n c t u r e . F i l l t o 1 / 8 i n . ( 3 .2
of unbroken skin.
Apply sealant to cracks leading to
mm) above surface
puncture .
Prepare sheet metal patch large enough to cover damaged area with
o v e r l a p.
f. Place patch over damaged area and mark all around edges of patch.
g .
Drill holes 1 in. (25.4 mm) apart.
h. Apply sealant to edges of patch .
i .
Apply patch to van body.
j .
Install pop rivets beginning at center of each side. Rivets should be
placed 1 in. (25.4 mm) apart.
k. Paint as needed.
Change 1
TM 5-6675-319-14