TM 5-6675-319-14
g .
If necessary, damaged tape can be replaced; however, it should be
removed with careful peeling motion to avoid damage to sealant. If
sealant also peels back, new sealant should be applied. Complete
removal of old sealant is not necessary.
Permanent repair
support, or higher category of maintenance, should be made
p o s s i b l e .
1-16.14 Replace Tiedown Socket.
MOS: 83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
41B, Topographic Instrument Repair Specialist
TOOLS: Cross Tip Screwdriver
F l a t T i p S c r e w d r i v er
Tiedown Socket
b y d i r e ct
as soon as
a .
Remove screws from tiedown socket.
b . P r y d e f e c t i v e s o c k e t f r o m f l o o r.
Install new tiedown socket.
Rotate new tiedown socket enough to avoid
installing screws in old screw holes .
d . R e i n s t a l l s c r e w s.
o r