TM 5-6675-318-14
New Latitude
MX 1502 interprets latitude in terms of the satellite datum.
When estimating latitude and longitude, you must be within 2
degrees of accuracy.
( 9 ) I f n e w l a t i t u d e i s r e q u i r e d , k e y i n e s t i m a t e d l a t i t u d e o f a n t e n n a in
degrees, minutes and seconds to within 2 degrees. Use change sign (+/-) key to
change N (North) to S (South) or vice versa.
P r e s s s p a c e k e y ( ) t o e n t er
space between degrees and minutes and between minutes and seconds.
Use decimal
point for fractions of seconds as required.
(10) Verify entry on display and press enter (E) key.
Previous Longitude
MX 1502 interprets longitude in terms of the satellite datum.
( 1 1 ) I f l o n g i t u d e d i s p l a y e d i s c o r r e c t , p r e s s e n t e r ( E ) k e y.
New Longitude
(12) If new longitude is required, key in estimated longitude of antenna in
degrees, minutes and seconds to within 2 degrees. Use change sign (+/-) key to
change E (East) to W (West) or vice versa.
Press space key () to enter space.
between degrees and minutes and between minutes and seconds. Use decimal point for
fractions of seconds as required .
Change 2