TM 5-6675-318-14
C o n t r o l o r I n d i c a t or
No Operation Key
In learn mode, used to
delete unwanted instruc-
tion or to provide spac-
ing between program parts
for later additions.
When encountered in pro-
gram, no operation is
performed and execution
continues. Use of key
does not interfere or
alter any key, execution
sequence or data entry,
except when used as la-
b e l .
x = t
Register Exchange Key
Registers Equal ? Key
Registers Compare ? Key
Indirect Address Key
Exchanges number, in
display register with T-
register value, t.
Compares number in dis-
play register to that in
T-register. If numbers
are equal, execution
branches to designated
address. If not equal,
execution continues.
Used after transfer-type
instructions that require
address to complete in-
struction. Ind key fol-
lowed by two-digit data
register designation
replaces normal address
after instruction. Re-
calls contents of desig-
nated data register.
Register contents are
used as correct transfer
address for instruction
or as actual data for