TM 5-6675-318-14
C o n t r o l o r I n d i c a t or
Subroutine Key
In program, transfers
flow instantly to de-
signated subroutine.
Used in learn mode to
program such transfer.
Transfer designation can
be label or memory loca-
tion. Number for memory
location immediately
after SBR call is stored
in special memory regis-
ter to facilitate trans-
ferring back after sub-
routine is executed.
When used under keyboard
control (program not
being run), program
pointer moves to desig-
nated subroutine and pro-
gram execution begins at
that point.
S t f l g
I f f l g
Set Flag Key
Reset Key
Flag Set Test Key
Sets (turns on) desig-
nated flag, when pressed
from keyboard or encoun-
tered in program execu-
Instructs calculator to
reset program pointer to
location 000 of program
memory, clears subroutine
return register and re-
sets all program flags.
Can also be used to exit
Master Library program.
Tests designated flag to
see if it is set
(raised). If flag is
set, program flow is
transferred to designated
label or memory location.