TM 5-6675-318-14
In upper corners of each card, spaces are provided to write bank numbers recorded on
that card. An arrow in each space shows which direction card was entered into the
calculator when recording. The space across the center of the card is used for
p r o g r a m t i t l e s a n d o t h e r p e r t i n e n t i n f o r m a t i o n , s u c h a s r e q u i r e d p a r t i t i o n . A l o n g
the bottom of the card, two rows of boxes used to indicate function, within the
r e c o r d e d p r o g r a m , o f u s e r - d e f i n e d l a b e l s t h r u a n d A t h r u E .
Paragraph 7-3.1e describes how data memory and program memory for a full program
is arranged in calculator memory and on magnetic cards when recording. If data is
being recorded, data register 00 begins at the end of bank 4 and proceeds toward
bank 1 or the partition. If programs are being recorded, the program location/step
begins in bank 1 and proceeds to the end of bank 4 or to where partition between
data and program is set.
Tables 7-4 and 7-5 detail how normal and protected programs are recorded and read
and the display expected each time.