TM 5-6675-318-14
f. Replace data entry and display board (slot A), modem board (slot B),
tape control board (slot C), memory board (slot 3), or memory processor
b o a r d ( s l o t 4 ).
( 1 ) U s i n g e x t r a c t o r t a b s , s l i d e b o a r d o u t o f c h a s s i s.
(2) Insert new board and press firmly on extractor tabs to be sure
board is seated.
s w i t ch
The memory processor board has two switches: a power management
and a memory switch.
After installing the memory processor board, pull
both switches toward you so that the power management switch is set to
NORM, and the memory switch is set to EXT.
The memory board (3) has PROM chips that may require replacement. All
chips are numbered and are replaced by removing a chip and inserting
a new chip with the
P r i o r t o i n s t a l l i n g
that all PROM chips
same number.
the memory board (3), check the PROM chips to see
have the same program number.
g .
P e r f o r m s e l f - t e s t ( p a r a g r a p h 4 - 6 . 2 ).