TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
Code 106, Display and/or Enter UTM Conversion Parameters
Enter code 106 to display and/or enter the UTM conversion parameters. The first
parameter is the UTM zone number. Enter a 0 for zone number if the MX 1502 is to
automatically calculate the zone number based upon the longitude. The zone is
defined to be 6 degrees wide in longitude.
Zone Number
Press the enter (E) key to display and/or enter the UTM central meridian. No entry
results in the MX 1502 calculating the central meridian automatically .
Central Meridian
Press the enter (E) key to display and/or enter the false northing bias in
kilometers that is added to the UTM northing. If no value is entered, +0 kilometer
is automatically used. The standard UTM values are 0 for the northern hemisphere
and 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) for the southern hemisphere.
False Northing Bias
Press the enter (E) key to display and/or enter the false easting bias in kilometers
that is added to the UTM easting. If no value is entered, +500 kilometers (310
m i l e s ) i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y u s e d .
False Easting Bias