TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
I -
R -
S -
U -
X -
Y -
( 3)
More than six iterations occurred in 2D computation.
Only one of two satellite receiver channels was used to calculate 2D
position due to insufficient data on other channel.
S t a n d a r d d e v i a t i o n o f r e s i d u a l s w a s t o o l a r g e , i n d i c a t i n g t h a t s a t e l l i te
data was in error (see code 91).
Data from satellite was asymmetrical about point of closest approach.
Last satellite pass data was taken from a satellite that indicated within
its messsage that it should not be used for precise applications (i.e.,
n e g a t i v e s a t e l l i t e n u m b e r ).
Satellite pass data was taken from a satellite that was deleted by user.
Number of satellite passes used in the 3D position computation. If
this number is very low compared to the total number of passes that occurred (code
66), check the initialization parameters.
(4) Distance from the previously computed 3D position computation in meters.
This value is meaningless for the first pass .
Press the enter (E) key. Display shows the computed latitude in degrees, minutes,
and seconds using satellite datum coordinates.
Computed Latitude
Press the enter (E) key. Display shows the computed longitude in degrees, minutes,
and seconds using satellite datum coordinates .
Computed Longitude