TM 5-6675-318-14
Table 4-21. CODE DESCRIPTIONS - Cont
0 -
3 -
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
B -
C -
D -
E -
H -
K -
L -
M -
N -
P -
S -
T -
U -
V -
Expected data from communications link not received. Occasional display of
this error code is normal. The unit waits 3 more minutes for the expected
d a t a.
Error detected on memory board slot 3.
Error detected on processor board in slot 4.
Error detected on dual satellite interface board in slot 6.
Error detected on 150 MHz satellite receiver board in slot 6.
Error detected on dual satellite interface board in slot 6.
Error detected on 400 MHz satellite receiver board in slot 6.
Error detected on modem board in slot B.
Error detected in tape cassette transport or tape control board in slot C.
Error detected on alarm clock board in slot D.
End of cassette.
Power was reduced because internal temperature exceeded 70°C.
Printer enabled when no printer present, or clear-to-send signal reset
More than 75 meters (245 feet) of tape used on cassette.
Magnetic tape I/0 operation in progress when power lost. Some tape data
may have been lost or destroyed if recording operation was in progress.
Data received from communications link does not match data received from
s a t e l l i t e .
Power failure occurred .
S a t e l l i t e a l e r t d a t a f r o m t a p e i n s u f f i c i e n t.
T r a c k i n g e r r o r d e t e c t e d . S a t e l l i t e t h a t w a s p r e d i c t e d t o b e a v a i l a b le
could not be tracked.
Excessive oscillator drift in 150 MHz receiver. May not prevent proper
operation, but eventual correction needed.
Excessive oscillator drift in 400 MHz receiver. May not prevent proper
operation, but eventual correction needed.