TM 5-6675-318-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement, Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
wrt 705, "AP"
w r t - Cont
Automatic pen pickup command, "AP", causes plotter to auto-
m a t i c a l l y raise pen whenever it has been down without motion
for 65 seconds. This condition is set automatically when
plotter is initialized.
S e n d i n g c h a r a c t e r s " A P O " to plotter will disable automatic pen
wrt 705, "PD"
Pen down command, PD, lowers pen to paper.
wrt 705, "VS 1 thru 36 [, Pen No.]"
Select pen velocity command specifies pen speed, in cm/see,
for plotting and lettering operations. Velocity can be any
v a l u e between 1 and 36.
If optional pen no. (1-8) is speci-
fied, speed will apply only to that pen. If pen no. is not
specified, speed applies to all pens.
Whenever plotter is initialized, pen velocity is set to 36
wrt 705, "VA"
Sets plotter to adaptive pen velocity mode. Plotter will
a d a p t pen speed, automatically, to approximate rate that com-
puter sends coordinate data to plotter. This mode provides
smoother plot than normal velocity mode for plotting coordi-
nates that are generated by a relatively slow program routine
wrt 705, "VN"
Normal velocity command, "VN", c a n c e l s a d a p t i v e v e l o c i t y m o d e .
P e n s p e e d i s n o w c o n t r o l l e d b y c u r r e n t p e n velocity command.