TM 5-6675-318-14
(11) To perform the front panel interactive tests, after completing self-
( a ) Mute the X-motor at S1 on the main PCA A2, and move the plotter
arm to the left end of the platen (nearest pen stall #l). Turn
S1 on.
(b) Remove all pens from the front panel.
(c) Press the pen select pushbutton #8.
(d) The self-test LEDs will indicate 1011 and all front panel LEDs
will be on for a lamp test.
( e ) Press CONTINUE (green).
A l l front panel indicators except ERROR
will be off.
(f) Press the front panel switches in the order given on self-test
( g ) AS e a c h s w i t c h c l o s e s , the ERROR LED will go off and the OUT OF
L I M I T LED will turn on momentarily. Go to the next switch when
the ERROR LED comes on.
(h) Upon completion of the front panel test, the self-test LEDs will
flash sequentially.
(12) To perform the motor vector tests, proceed as follows:
( a ) Press CONTINUE (S3).
( b ) P r e s s p e n s e l e c t p u s h b u t t o n # 1 . T h e plotter arm and pen holder
will begin a diagonal move. A l l s e l f - t e s t L E D s w i l l b e o f f . A n
error is indicated by failure of the plotter to make the move.
(c) Press and hold pen select pushbutton #2 until the arm movement
Release the pushbutton, and the plotter will begin the
s e c o n d vector.
Repeat with pen select pushbuttons 3 through 6.
Each button initiates a new vector.
( d ) Upon completion of the vector test, set the SELF TEST switch S4-2
t o t h e o f f p o s i t i o n , a n d press the RESET switch S5 pushbutton
The plotter will complete a power-up initialization.
(e) Turn off the plotter, remove the power cord, and close the plotter.
Secure the upper deck locking screws and replace the rear hood.