TM 5-6675-318-14
Statement Identification and Use
Statement Syntax, Explanation, and Input Instructions
w r t - Cont
Syntax and function of control commands are as follows:
wrt 705, "AP"
Automatic pen pickup command, " A P " , causes plotter to auto-
m a t i c a l l y raise pen whenever it has been down without motion
for 65 seconds. This condition is set automatically when
plotter is initialized.
S e n d i n g c h a r a c t e r s " A P O " to plotter will disable automatic pen
wrt 705, "PD"
Pen down command, PD, lowers pen to paper.
wrt 705, "VS 1 thru 36 [, Pen No.]"
Select pen velocity command specifies pen speed, in cm/see,
for plotting and lettering operations. Velocity can be any
value between 1 and 36. If optional pen no. (1-4) is speci-
fied, speed will apply only to that pen. If pen no. is not
specified, speed applies to all pens.
Whenever plotter is initialized, pen velocity is set to 36
w r t 705, `VA"
Sets plotter to adaptive pen velocity mode. Plotter will
a d a p t pen speed, automatically, to approximate rate that com-
puter sends coordinate data to plotter. This mode provides
smoother plot than normal velocity mode for plotting coordi-
nates that are generated by a relatively slow program routine
wrt 705, "VN"
Normal velocity command, "VN", cancels adaptive velocity mode.
P e n speed is now controlled by current pen velocity command.