TM 5-6675-317-14
e. Locate detail to be viewed on left photograph and center left lens over it.
f. Move right photograph until the same detail is centered under right lens.
When viewed simultaneously, two details should merge into one. Adjust photographs
until this effect is achieved.
8-6.4 Optical Microscope.
Place optical microscope over area to be viewed with illumination slot close
to specific area required.
Loosen barrel lock screw.
c .
Look through eyepiece and depress push/pull cam switch.
Grasp lens barrel and move it slowly up and down until area to be viewed is
seen clearly and sharply together with graduated scale.
When target and graduated scale appear simultaneously sharp and clear, clamp
barrel lock screw.
f. To provide light without keeping push/pull cam switch depressed, turn
push/pull cam switch in either direction through 90 degrees to lock it. Rotation in
opposite direction will unlock it.
To make measurement, read size of object or target directly from scale.
Scale is 0.150 in. in length and is divided into intervals of 0.001 in.
With care,
estimations of down to 0.0005 in. are possible.