TM 5-6675-314-14
Damage to container permitting light leaks, water, or dirt entry must be
temporarily repaired using available material on hand. Maintenance person-
nel will conduct permanent repairs; however, crew must maintain operation-
a l c a p a b i l i t y o f s e c t i o n.
1-7.1 Operation in High Wind or Storm Conditions.
Relocate section if trees or structures present hazard.
b. Secure section corners at lifting eyes to deadmen or substantial objects.
Remove all loose objects from area.
1-7.2 Operation in Cold Weather.
The operation of the internal equipment is performed within environmentally
controlled conditions; however, in extreme cold, the main power supply cable and
g r o u n d c a b l e , w i l l b e c o m e h a r d , b r i t t l e , a n d d i f f i c u l t t o h a n d l e . B e c a r e f u l
handling the cables when connecting or disconnecting them so that kinks and unneces-
sary loops will not result in permanent damage.
b. Make certain that connections and cable receptacles on the outside of the
section are free of frost, snow, and ice.