ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
i. Read/Write Interrupt. The read/write interrupt
j. Bad Tape Detection. If the tape in use is torn, or
is produced by the run and direction signal. When this
sprocket holes are elongated beyond internal compensa-
interrupt occurs, the sprocket signal is forced low. If
tion, the reader will halt with LED 10 flashing. All
the data buffer is not empty at this time, data is fetched
output of data will stop regardless of data in memory.
from the buffer, saved in a temporary storage register,
and the data fetch pointer register is decremented.
6-6. Self-Test Program. The self-test program for the
and diagnoses the cause of the failure. Failures are
PADS test set is contained on a machine language
displayed as two-digit numbers on the SPU FAILURE/
punched tape that is loaded on the tape reader to
ACTION indicator. The indicator also displays numbers
perform a self-test of the PADS test set. Figure FO-17
which call for operator action at certain parts of the
illustrates a flow chart for the self-test program. The
self-test as shown in figure FO-17.
program in conjunction with hard wired logic, automat-
ically detects failures in the SPU and the tape reader
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