Disconnect connector P4 (8, figure 8-10.1,
sheet 2) from connector J2 (9).
Remove four screws (59, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1)
and washers (60) securing connector J1 and
I/O cable (61) to front panel (28); remove
connector J1 and I/O cable.
h Replacement.
Secure connector J1 and I/O cable (61) to
front panel (28) with four screws (59) and
washers (60).
Connect connector P4 (8, figure 8-10.1, sheet
2) to connector J2 (9).
Connect 1/0 cable wires to filter FL1 (71,
figure 8-10.1, sheet 2), fuseholders XF1 and
XF2 (62 and 63, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1), and
time totalizing meter Ml (58); remove tags.
Secure cover (7) to front panel (28) and chassis
(72) with four screws (4) two screws (5), and
two washers (6).
8-43.11 Fuseholder XF1 or XF2 Removal and Replace-
ment. See figure 8-10.1, sheet 1 and remove and replace
fuseholder XF1 (62) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Remove four screws (4), two screws (5), and
two washers (6) securing cover (7) to front
panel (28) and chassis (72) ; remove cover.
(2) Tag and unsolder wires from fuseholder XF1
(3) Remove fuseholder XF1 (62) mounting hard-
ware; remove fuseholder XF1 from front panel
b. Replacement.
(1) Secure fuseholder XF1 (62) to front panel (28)
with its mounting hardware.
(2) Solder wires to fuseholder XF1 (62); remove
(3) Secure cover (7) to front panel (28) and chassis
(72) with four screws (4), two screws (5), and
two washers (6).
B-43.12. Transformer T1 Removal and Replacement.
See figure 8-10.1, sheet 2, and remove and replace
transformer T1 (69) as follows:
a. Removal.
(1) Remove four screws (4, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1),
two screws (5), and two washers (6) securing
cover (7) to front panel (28) and chassis (72) ;
remove cover.
(2) Disconnect connector P2 (47) from connector
P1 (48, figure 8-10.1, sheet 2).
ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
(3) Remove two screws (64), washers (65), fiber
washers (66), and nuts (67) securing connector
P1 (48) to chassis (72).
(4) Tag and disconnect transformer T1 (69) wires
from filter FL1 (71).
(5) Remove four nuts (68) securing transformer
T1 (69) to chassis (72); remove transformer T1
along with connector P1.
b. Replacement.
Secure transformer T1 (69) to chassis (72) with
four nuts (68).
Connect transformer T1 (69) wires to filter
FL1 (71); remove tags.
Secure connector P1 (48) to chassis (72) with
two screws (64), washers (65), fiber washers
(66), and nuts (67).
Connect connector P2 (47, figure 8-10.1, sheet
1) to connector P1 (48, figure 8-10.1, sheet 2).
Secure cover (7, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1) to front
panel (28) and chassis (72) with four screws
(4), two screws (5), and two washers (6).
Filter FL1 Removal and Replacement. See
figure 8-10.1, sheet 2 and remove and replace filter FL1
(71) as follows:
a. Removal.
Remove four screws (4, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1),
two screws (5), and two washers (6) securing
cover (7) to front panel (28) and chassis (72) ;
remove cover.
Tag and disconnect wires from filter FL1 (71,
figure 8-10.1, sheet 2).
Remove two nuts (70) securing filter FL1 to
chassis (72); remove filter.
b. Replacement.
(1) Secure filter FL1 (71) to chassis (72) with nuts
(2) Connect wires to filter FL1 (71); remove tags.
(3) Secure cover (7, figure 8-10.1, sheet 1) to front
panel (28) and chassis (72) with four screws
(4), two screws (5), and two washers (6).
8-44. Tape Reader, Part No. 877406-1, Head Cleaning.
The glass surfaces of the tape reader head must be
cleaned to prevent excessive accumulation of dirt.
Clean the tape reader head as follows:
Change 1
8-104.7/(8-104.8 blank)