Connect connector A3P3 (97, figure 8-6, sheet
3) to connector J26 (96) and tighten jack-
Connect connector A3P2 (93) to connector
J25 (92) and tighten jackscrews.
Connect connector A3P1 (66) to connector
J24 (65) and tighten jackscrews.
Swing assembly A3 (45, figure 8-6, sheet 1) to
closed position; install six screws (49) and
washers (48) to secure side away from hinge to
chassis (62).
Install SPU in instrument case (58) and secure
to panel assembly (2) with 20 screws (43) and
washers (44).
8-22. Power Supply Component Removal and Replace-
ment. Before attempting to remove individual power
supply components, remove individual power supply
components, remove power supply assembly composed
of power supply mounting plate and installed compo-
nents, as described in subparagraph a(1) below. After
replacing applicable component, replace power supply
assembly as described in subparagraph a(2) below. See
figure 8-6 and remove and replace power supply assem-
bly and components as follows:
a. Power Supply Assembly. Remove and replace
power supply assembly (109, figure 8-4, sheet 4) as
f o l l o w s:
(1) Removal.
Press pressure relief valve (55, figure 8-6,
sheet 1) on bottom of instrument case; then
remove 20 screws (43) and washers (44)
securing instrument case (58) to panel as-
sembly (2). Remove SPU from instrument
Carefully place SPU face down.
Swing out logic no. 2 electronic component
assembly A2 (52) and logic no. 3 electronic
component assembly A3 (45) to the open
Loosen jackscrews and disconnect connector
A2P1 (129, figure 8-6, sheet 4) from connec-
tor J22 (128).
Loosen jackscrews and disconnect connector
A2P2 (126) from connector J23 (127).
Remove 27 screws (121) and washers (122).
Open clamps (111, 112, 113, and 114), as
required, securing cable (115). (If clamps
are opened, they have to be replaced.)
Carefully move power supply assembly
(109) out of chassis (62, figure 8-4, sheet 1)
through A3 side, while tethered by cable,
far enough to use a screwdriver on back of
power supply assembly.
ARMY TM 5-6675-238-14
(2) Replacement.
(a) Carefully move power supply assembly
(109, figure 8-6, sheet 4) into chassis (62,
figure 8-6, sheet 1) and route cable (115,
figure 8-6, sheet 4) as in figure 8-6.
(b) Install power supply assembly on chassis
and secure with 27 screws (121) and washers
If clamp(s) are replaced, bond to power
supply assembly using epoxy adhesive,
Item 9, app. F.
Clamp cables as shown in figure 8-6.
Connect connector A2P2 (126) to connector
J23 (127) and tighten jackscrews.
Connect connector A2P1 (129) to connector
J22 (128) and tighten jackscrews.
Swing logic no. 2 electronic component
assembly A2 (52, figure 8-6, sheet 1) and
logic no. 3 electronic component assembly
A3 (45) to the closed position.
Install SPU in instrument case (58) and se-
cure to panel assembly (2) with 20 screws
(43) and washers (44).
b. Modular Power Supply PS1 or PS2. R e m o ve
and replace power supply PS1 (120, figure 8-6, sheet 4)
as follows:
(1) Removal.
(a) Tag and unsolder wires from PS1 (120) ter-
(b) Remove six or eight screws (125) (as appli-
cable), washers (123), and lockwashers (124);
remove power supply PS1 (120) from power
supply assembly (109).
(2) Replacement.
When replacing PS1, remove cable clamp
from removed PS1 and bond to new PS1
using adhesive.
Spread heat conductive sealing compound
(340 or G641) on back of power supply
before installing.
(a) Install power supply PS1 (120) on power
supply assembly (109) and secure with six or
eight screws (125) (as applicable), washers
(123), and lockwashers (124).
(b) Solder wires to PS1 (120) terminals.
c. Modular Power Supply PS3 or PS4. R e m o ve
and replace power supply PS3 (110, figure 8-6, sheet 4)
as follows:
(1) Removal.
Change 4