TM 5-3610-286-20
Table 2-5. Organizational Troubleshooting (cont).
Test or inspection
Corrective action
Step 4.
Turn printing press main power switch to OFF. Using a muitimeter set to ohms
range, perform continuity check on main pileup (b20) and main pile down (b21)
If no continuity, replace defective switch (para. 2-94).
If continuity, go to step 5.
Step 5.
Using a multi meter set to range higher than 115V ac, check for 115V ac between
the points listed below for each motor protection switch.
a6: Point 13 and Point 14
a8: Point 13 and Point 14
a40: Point 13 and Point 14
If no voltage is observed, replace the faulty switch (para. 2-93).
If voltage is observed, go to step 6.
Step 6.
Using a multimeter set to range higher than 115V ac, check for 115V ac between
the points listed below for each component in the limit switch circuit.
Contactor c6: Point 13 and Point 14
Limit Switch b37: Point 50 and Point 51
Limit Switch b274: Point 50 and Point 50a
If no voltage is observed, replace the faulty component (paragraphs
2-89, 2-93).
If voltage is observed, go to step 7.
Step 7 requires one person to depress main pile up pushbutton during performance.
Step 7.
Using a multi meter set to range higher than 115V ac, check for 115V ac between
the points listed below for each component.
Contactor c6 Point A1 and Point A2