TM 5-3610-286-20
Table 1-1. TSS printing Press Functional Groups (CONT).
Group Components
05 Plate Cylinder
Plate cylinder, gears, plate clamp, register scope, cover plate
(2, figure 1-3)
06 Register (4, figure 1-2)
Pull rails, pull side lays, front lays, suction valve assembly and
motor, shaft assembly
07 Delivery (3, figure 1-3)
Gripper system, suction slowdown assembly, pile lift motor, and
various stops, sprocket drives and related mechanisms
08 Ranger Drum
Ranger drum shaft assembly, cam shaft assembly, electro-
(5, figure 1-2)
magnetic switch
09 Impression Cylinder
Impression cylinder assembly, control mechanism, engaging
(6, figure 1-2)
lever and latch assembly
10 Blanket Cylinder
Blanket cylinder assembly, spindle and bearing bolt assembly
(4, figure 1-3)
and related mechanisms
11 Main Lubrication System
Valve, pump, lubrication heads, oil reservoir (gear box)
(5, figure 1-3)
12 Main Motor and Drive
Main motor, V-belt
(7, figure 1-2)
13 Transfer Drum
Transfer drum, drum wheels
(6, figure 1-3)
14 Feeder (7, figure 1-3)
Suction head, pile lifting motors, sheet feeder mechanisms,
static electricity eliminator
15 Compressor (8, figure 1-2)
Two models: oil lubricated or dry
16 Electrical (9, figure 1-2
Operating and monitoring controls, fuses, circuit breakers,
and 8, figure 1-3)
17 Control Register System
Prepares printing plates for mounting in press
(not part of printing press)
b. Component Descriptions. Components described below are organized as they appear in
Appendix B, Maintenance Allocation Chart. These are the components for which organizational
level maintenance is performed.