TM 5-3610-285-14
f. Install new power supply board assembly and reconnect green wire.
g. Reconnect wires to terminals.
h. Aline pins on ribbon cable connectors with holes in sockets.
i. Apply even pressure to seat connectors.
j. Reinstall chassis cover and secure with screws.
k. Plug in reflection/transmission probe cable.
l. Plug in power cord.
If equipment continues erratic operation, perform densitometer checkout and
alinement procedures (paragraphs 7-16.17 and 7-16.18).
7-20.5 Replace Display Board Assembly.
MOS: 35E, Special Electronic Devices Repairer
Tool Kit, Electronic Repair
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Offset Flat Tip Screwdriver
SUPPLIES: Display Board Assembly