TM 5-3610-285-14
5-3.2 Processing Fluid System. Provides developer, fixer, and wash water, their recirculation, replenishment, and
filtering. It is composed of the following components:
Developer Tank
Fixer Tank
Wash Tank
Recirculation Pumps
Replenisher Pump Unit
Developer tank. Contains developer and rack. Film enters developer tank in the first step of processing.
Fixer tank. Contains fixer and rack. Film enters fixer tank after exiting developer tank in the second step of
Wash tank. Contains wash rack and filtered water to wash fixer off the film prior to entering drying system.
Recirculation pumps. Two centrifugal pumps recirculate developer and fixer. Developer is drawn from tank,
pumped through the chiller, developer filter and heater, then dispersed evenly throughout the tank. Fixer is drawn from
its tank, pumped through its recirculation system, then flows back into bottom of fixer tank.
Replenisher pump unit. Contains two centrifugal pumps and a common motor. Replenisher pumps are turned on
whenever a piece of film passes through detector rollers and trip detector switches above the rollers. Pumps then move
developer and fixer replenishment solutions from their external storage tanks, through strainers, then through flowmeters
where flow rate is governed before passing into processor tanks. Pumps cease operating after film has passed detector
Chiller. Cools developer automatically to maintain proper fluid temperature. It consists of a small, self-contained
refrigeration unit and heat exchanger to cool developer before reentering processing system.