TM 5-3610-285-14
Photographic Material Specifications:
Minimum Length 7 in. (17.8 cm)
Maximum Length
10 ft (3.05 cm)
Minimum Width
5 in. (12.7 cm)
Maximum Width 24 in. (61 cm)
Minimum Thickness w/Leader
0.025 in. (.635 mm)
Minimum Thickness wo/Leader
0.004 in. (.102 mm)
Maximum Thickness
0.007 in. (.178 mm)
Air Supply
50 cfm (1.42 m3/min)
Heat Radiation
2700 Btu/hr
Processor Water Flow 1/3 - I gpm
(1.25 - 3.79 I/min)
Plumbing System Specifications:
Fixer Replenisher Tank.
7 gal. (26.5 1)
Developer Replenisher Tank
7 gal. (26.5 1)
Recirculation Tank Capacity
50 gal. (189.27 1)
Recirculation Pump Capacity
1.0 gpm (3.8 1/min)
Sump Pump Capacity 6.6 gpm (25 1/min)
Heating Element Power Requirement
1000 watts (3413 Btu/hr)
Thermostat Range
-40F to 12F
(-40C to 48.9C)
Processor Electrical Requirements
115/208 V, 50/60 Hz, single phase
The processor is shipped wired to operate on 120/208-volt, 3-wire, I-phase 50/60 Hz. It can be rewired at
installation to operate on 115/230-volt, 3wire, I-phase, 50/60 Hz, or 230-volt, 2-wire, grounded neutral,
50/60 Hz.