TM 5-3610-253-14
Basic Operation
Circuit/Component Operation
Pressing both cutting buttons - Cont
through the cutting buttons, time limitation relay
d305, N.O. contractors of d37 (which will be closed
as long as the light barrier is uninterrupted),
through N.C. contractors of d38, through N.O.
contractors of the non-repeat relay d230, will
energize relay d21a. With relay d21a energized,
d21b will energize, which will energize d21c. +42 V
is applied through d5 contactor which is closed
because d5 energized. (d2 energized, and b.SB N.O.
contacts closed because the safety bolt is
extracted). +42 V is sent through N.O. contacts
of d21a to m27 (clutch ball valve) and allows m27 to
energize because of the N.O. contractors d21b
also being closed.
d. Clamping pressure. With both cutting buttons
depressed, relay d310 is energized. Relay d311
becomes energized because of relay d313 N.O. contra-
ctors, and the now closed contractors of d310. This
allows +42 V to be applied to m315 (the conical
reached enough pressure to move the slide valve,
the clutch will receive its pressure. This
allows the clamp to build up pressure before the
knife descends.
Knife at bottom of its stroke.
Light barrier de-energized: With N.C. contractors of
gear limit switches b22a and b22b opened, this de-
energizes relay d230, the non-repeat relay. This
will de-energize relays d230a and d230b, this in
turn will de-energize half of the light barrier
lights, which will de-energize relay d37.
b. Safety bolt solenoid de-energized: With N.O.
contractors of gear limit switches b22a and b22b
closed, this allows relay d3 to energize. With d3
energized, the N.C. contractors are opened and
voltage is lost to the safety bolt solenoid and
it is released. The bolt is then pressed on the
back of the knife carrier.