TB 1-4920-443-35
NG has to be greater than 50% for software to trigger rollback. Reference Paragraph 3-5.
(2) Verify that the Rollback Valve Indicator on the Touch Screen is activated. ________ OK P- Connect
P3 cable.
(1) Refer to Honeywell Technical Manual, Pub No SE-876-01-1060, Section 3-3
Setup of the Throttle Quadrant may be easier if removed from the table top
(a) Start the FADEC diagnostic software LTC29332-02 and display the gauge ECL.
(b) Place the lever in the 30 (or ground idle) position
(c) Remove the FADEC Control Chassis, LTCT28915-03, from the test cell console without removing
any of the cables, and remove the top cover
(d) Using a
multimeter set on AC
Volts, measure the voltage from TB2-5 (+) and TB2-6 (-).
Verify the
voltage is 0.00 2.5 mV AC.
(e) If the voltage is not within limits, loosen the clamp on the ECL lever, and rotate the shaft until the
voltage is correct, then tighten the clamp on the lever.
(f) Move the ECL lever back and forth while watching the ECL gauge. The angle on the gauge
should go from 0to 60 smoothly, and without generating DECU faults.
(g) If DECU faults are being generated, remove the side cover on the ECL opposite the lever.
(h) Loosen the three cleats that secure the quad switch CAY-561-2. This should be the component
closest to the small printed circuit board.
(i) Rotate the quad switch slightly. For reference, the opening and closing of this switch can be
monitored with an ohmmeter in the FADEC control chassis, LTC28915-03, TB2-12 and TB2-13.
The switch should open slightly above 30 or Ground Idle.
(j) Tighten the cleats. Reset the DECU, and repeat steps F through I as required
(k) Move the ECL lever to the 0 (Cutoff) position. The ECL gauge should read 0.
(l) If the ECL gauge does not read 0, remove the side cover on the ECL opposite the lever.
(m) Look at the small printed circuit board inside the ECL so that the resistor is to the left of the two
trim potentiometers.
(n) Adjust the lower trim potentiometer until the ECL gauge displays 0.
(o) Move the ECL lever until the gauge reads 60. Secure or remove the ECL end stop as required
and the 60 point.