TM 5-6675-319-14
Reinstall all rollers and secure with screws, lockwashers, and washers
and bearings if required on idle side plate .
Gears on two upper rollers are larger than gear on lower roller. Be sure
t o p o s i t i o n g e a r s c o r r e c t l y .
v .
Reinstall two upper rollers, bearings, gears, lockwashers, and secure
w i t h s c r e w s.
Reinstall lower roller, bearing, gear, lockwasher, and secure with screw.
x .
Reinstall washer and intermediate gear; secure with screw.
y .
R e i n s t a l l s p r i n g.
z .
Reinstall upper roller, gear, and lockwasher; secure with screw on
i d l e s i d e p l a t e .
Reinstall sleeve washer, lockwasher, and secure with screw.
Secure all tie rods with screws and nuts.
Begin reassembly on drive
s i d e .
a c .
Reinstall all rollers and secure with washers, lockwashers, bearings if
required, and secure with screws.
R e i n s t a l l d r i v e r o l l e r , b e a r i n g , s p r i n g , s l e e v e , g e a r w i t h w o o d r u f f k e y,
washer, lockwasher, and secure with screw.
Rotate rollers and observe proper operation.
a f .
Reinstall squeegee assembly into processor.
2-20.4 Repair Pump Assembly.
MOS: 83FJ6, Reproduction Equipment Repairer
Flat Tip Screwdriver
Hose Clamp Pliers
10 in. Adjustable Wrench
5/16 in. Combination Wrench
Motor and capacitor
Impeller assembly
5 / 8 i n . D r a i n T u b i n g , 6 f t . l o n g ( 2)