TM 5-6675-330-12&P
The instrument is packaged in a molded carrying
case with foam inserts. [See Figure 3). Pack the
equipment in the carrying cases when it is not in use.
The carrying case has been designed to minimize the
possibility of damage to the instrument and the
accessories when they are being transported. Make
sure that all equipment is properly packed in the
carrying case. Protect the equipment from shock and
vibration to the maximum extent possible while it is
being transported.
Packaging for shipment requires special attention
because shipped items may be handled roughly.
When shipping the instrument to an authorized
service center for repair, ship only the instrument in its
carrying case.
The carrying case is not a shipping container
Ensure that the carrying case is packaged
adequately for shipment to prevent damage.
Lens Care
Use care when cleaning dust or moisture from lenses.
Do not touch with fingers or use coarse cloth, paper,
or other material that might scratch the lenses. Tissue,
or a camels hair brush may be used. Although rarely
required, mild soap and water solutions may be used
safely for the removal of fingerprints.
Condensation of moisture on the instrument lenses
can occur when the instrument is taken from a cold
environment to a warm environment, such as from
outdoors to indoors. It is recommended that the
instrument be left in its carrying case for several hours
under such conditions to allow for a gradual
t e m p e r a t u r e c h a n g e .
Retro-Reflector Prism Care
The retro-reflector prisms are high-quality optical
prisms, and should be given the same care as
recommended for lenses.
The threads of the yoke tangent and locking screws
are the only items that may require lubrication.
Application of a small amount of dry lubricant (such
as graphite) to the threads will be sufficient in most
c a s e s .