TM 5-6675-328-14
Mount TI in tribrach assembly.
Plug power cord into 120 V ac outlet and turn lighting switch on.
To avoid false readings during test procedures, remove all tools and equipment from granite base. Do not
lean on or allow anyone else to lean against base or cabinet.
c. Adjust height.
Keep test post locked except when making adjustments; test post may drop if left unlocked. To avoid
personal injury, keep hands from under post when making adjustments.
Release test post lift lock lever by rotating to left.
Adjust handwheel by turning to right or left until test instrument's optical system is at approximate height of MTC.
Test post must be locked for accurate measurements.
Tighten the test post lift lock lever by rotating to right.
Loosen lock ring, aline TI with MTC using precision lift, then tighten lock ring.
During the following steps, leveling of TI must be checked constantly and releveled as necessary.
Level TI.
Recheck to be sure TI is alined with MTC.
d. Aline collimators.
Focus TI to infinity target of MTC.
Rotate MTC until collimator infinity reticle and TI reticle image are parallel.