1-2.2 Location and Description of Major Components - Continued
BOARDING LADDERS AND HANDRAILS. Provide access to section.
L I F T I N G E Y E S . Attachment points for lifting van from truck chassis .
RETRACTABLE STEPS. Provide access to roof.
C A R G O D O O R . Access to remove or install equipment. Door, 60-1/4 in.
(153.04 cm) wide by 85-1/2 in. (217.17 cm) long.
P E R S O N N E L D O O R . Access for personnel entry and exit. Door, 35-1/2 in.
(90.17 cm) wide by 85-1/2 in. (217.17 cm) long.
VAN BODY LOCKS. Secure section to truck chassis.
L E V E L I N D I C A T O R S . Indicate inclination of section
r i g h t - l e f t d i r e c t i o n s .
EXHAUST FAN COVER. Weatherproof cover for exhaust
i n f r o n t - r e a r,
f a n .
I n t e r n a l e n v i r o n m e n t a l c o n t r o l .
AIR VENT COVER. Weatherproof cover for air vent.
L A B E L P L A T E S . Identification and shipping data plates.
POWER ENTRY PANEL. Contains terminals for grounding cable, power cables,
and telephone lines.